First time at Hügge?
Let's get you started. It's simple.

Reception hours
If you come by in reception hours you'll always find a manager here to give you a tour of the space and get you a nice seat of your preference.
And if you wanna come by outside reception hours simply let us know and we'll hook you up with the code for the doors. WiFi info you'll find just inside the entrance of both buildings.
Once you are set up Hügge is open 24/7 for you.
The two Hügge buildings

Old building
Basement - small gym and Hügge workshop
Ground floor - 36 open seats, Freak café, Hügge stadium and 2 phone booths.
1st floor - 24 open seats and kitchen.
2nd floor - 18 open seats, 1 phone booth and quiet room with 10 seats.
Rooftop terrace - where the yoga, Friday Bar and other good stuff happens. Plus there is WiFi for outside working.

New building
Basement - coming up!
Ground floor - 55 open seats, standing desks, backyard hangout, 2 phone booths and 10 private offices.
1st floor - standing desk, 1 phone booth and 7 private offices.
2nd floor - coming up!
You can grab a seat anywhere you want except if it is a fixed seat with nametag.
Everything is included
Membership payment
Send your details to
We use Viva Wallet and you can pay here. Just add your name and membership type in description.
Also cool if you prefer some old school paper payment.
Our memberships
All memberships include unlimited coffee, tea and water plus free printing and free access to all activities like sunset yoga, workshops and other events.
Membership prices are including VAT.
Welcome, Traveler!
Testing the waters
You are moving in!
That's my seat!
I love to hang out...